Inspirer, Educator, Supporter, Advocate
I spent a large portion of my life seeking freedom in people, places & things that kept me trapped. From food and alcohol to cigarettes, drugs & fantasy-fueled relationships – I was constantly building walls around me that kept me isolated, lonely, sad & stuck.
My first wall was built with food.

I tend to think that I came out of the birth canal with a lack of self-control and feeling of emptiness. My earliest memories are of stealing chocolate chips and stuffing them into my mouth and pockets while grocery shopping with my mom as a 10-year old, and swiping money from my dad’s dresser to buy candy at the convenience store. Year after year, my mom would need to lock up the Christmas cookies in the freezer to try and prevent me from devouring them before the holiday even started.
I felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, and the food would fill me, albeit briefly.

When I was 15, I thought I had discovered a way to continue to fill myself with food without consequences. I began to binge-eat everything and anything I could get my hands on – and then purge, use cigarettes, alcohol & drugs to control my weight. I believed I was in control, having my cake and eating it too.
I began going to bars with a fake ID, drinking well into the early morning, then coming home and stuffing myself with anything I could get my hands on before throwing it all up. I would do this day after day, night after night. For years.
In college, I joined a sorority to try to establish a structure to my social life. I quickly found myself stealing food/alcohol from my sisters, eating their plates of dinner when mine didn’t feel like enough. I began getting fired from jobs, wrecking cars & losing boyfriends because of my eating, drinking & drug problems.

This cycle of insanity began to take a toll. I became increasingly isolated and alone and I knew something had to change. I realized that I needed freedom from this cage I had created for myself.

I hit rock bottom on December 12, 1985, and was able to quit the drinking, drugs, purging and eventually cigarettes. I thought I had found my way. But the good was still controlling me, and at this point, it was actually speaking out to me from the fridge, the freezer, even from the trashcan.

My emotional bottom with food was in 1999, when I was working as a flight attendant, 40,000 feet in the sky. I was binging on the airplane, food being more important to me than the passengers, and finally realized in that moment that if someone had a crisis or emergency on board, I would not be able to save them.
But the biggest revelation I had was that I was also not going to be able to save myself. I needed help.

I found the right support and began to rebuild my health, my sanity, & my life. I started to dig deeper and examine the thought patterns and belief systems that had gotten me into the state I was in to begin with.

And I found freedom from.

Freedom from food. Freedom from chaos. Freedom from the cage I had been living my life in.
Today, life looks very different. I wake up in the morning and drink a large glass of water instead of a large glass of vodka with cigarette in hand. Since 1999, I have been maintaining a healthy weight – it’s still amazing to me that ALL OF MY CLOTHES JUST FIT! I have clarity in my life, better relationships with family and friends, new hobbies and interests and have been happily married to an amazing, available man since 2008.
I have found freedom from, and now it’s my life’s purpose and work to bring that same gift to you.

You don’t need to stay in the struggle. Today can be the day you begin to free yourself. I look forward to working hand in hand as you claim a life that is completely freedom from.
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